Friday, July 3, 2009

The Dream

I had the same dream again. I look out into the blackness of the night and down into the water. It is calm and mirror like. Only the full moon reflects back at me. It moves behind a cloud and all is dark. I lean over the edge of the unsteady wooden dock railing and peer down into the water. Its blackness becomes transparent as slowly I am able to make out facial features of the reflection staring back at me. The features become clearer and clearer as I realize they are not of my own reflection, but rather of someone else. Someone on the other side. I am helpless to pull myself away from looking at her eyes. She rises closer and closer to the surface and I see her. I extend my arm to help her and her arm emerges out of the water and grabs hold of mine. Her grip is not one of being helped out, but rather she pulls me in. She pulls harder. I grip tightly onto the wooden beam of the dock and lose my footing as it gives way. As I fall, I fall in slow motion. The decent of the fall feels like hours. She pulls me in and pulls me under. I fear for my life, but look into her eyes and feel calm. I can breathe underwater. She points to the surface of the water and I look up to see a mass of people peering down. Only they are not trying to help. I realize she did not pull me under, but I’ve been pushed in. I feel her hands hold mine, but she refuses to let go. I do not struggle. I understand why she’s there. She is an elder. And the people on the dock are laughing at their murder. Yet I do not blame them. They are only doing what they believe is right. They are doing what they’ve been told. She holds my hands and I understand that it is not my fault for being who I am. I’ve done nothing wrong. They can only take away my body, but never my soul. My soul returns life after life, until they understand that I am not the one they want to harm. I am the one that can help them. And until they understand that, they will keep drowning me.

And then I wake up, only to live another life.


© Snow Black 2007

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